Sunday, November 07, 2010


Brother Ekarat Sitisan defending his thesis, watched by Muhammad Tahir (right)

Alhamdulillah, glad that another graduate student of mine, Ekarat Sitisan from Bangkok, Thailand, has submitted 3 final copies of his Master thesis to the Institute of Postgraduate Studies, marking his success in getting his Master Degree. The title of his thesis is The Potentials of Zakat Fund in Bangkok, Thailand.

Ekarat, together with my PhD student Ahmad Azrin Adnan who has earlier passed his study with flying colours, are expected to be conferred with their degrees respectively during the March 2011 Convocation, InshaAllah.

Apart from Ekarat and Azrin, another two of my PhD students are in the pipeline of attaining their degrees. They are Muhammad Tahir from Sulawesi, Indonesia who has submitted his thesis and now is waiting for his viva, and Warjio of Medan, Indonesia who is in his final stage of polishing his thesis before submitting it for examination. The title of Tahir's thesis is Tazkiyah An-Nafs in Development: The Case of Koperasi Pasentren (KOPENTREN) of Darut Tauhid in Bandung, Indonesia, while Warjio's is Dakwah Political Party: The Ideology, Strategy and Accomplishment of Parti Keadilan Sejahtera in Indonesia.

Praying that both of them are successful and will be able to receive their PhDs during the August 2011 Convocation, InshaAllah, also hopefully with flying colours. Many thanks to all ISDEV academics for ensuring the excellent success of our students.

ISDEV brothers wishing Ekarat good luck after special prayer (solatulhajat) for his viva

Brother Ekarat (3rd right) with Board of Examiners after his viva
Brother Ekarat with ISDEV brothers after the viva
Brother Ekarat with ISDEV sisters who came to support him during his viva

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