Monday, March 04, 2013


A little correction. There are prayer rooms at Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul. I have just observed my zohor prayer at the lower level below the Millennium Lounge (like the MAS Golden Lounge) of the Departure Terminal.

However, I am not too sure whether there is also one at the Arrival Terminal. When we arrived the other day, the airport workers directed us to pray at the corner of the bagage claim area. Turkish passengers who arrived together with us also prayed there.

The prayer room (or mescid in Turkish language) where I observed my zohor prayer just now was quite crowded with passengers from many countries. Interestingly, it reminds me of the atmosphere in Mekah and Madinah. The scenary is more or less quite the same.

Indeed, the whole airport is full of passengers (like at the LCCT in Sepang with the exception of the LCCT's lower degree of comfortability) - majority of them are foreigners - reflecting how much Turkey has been a country of attraction now. Malaysians too, as in other countries, are one of the main groups of visitors to Turkey. Some of the shopkeepers at the Grand Market in Istanbul could even speak Malay, though a few words. One of them surprised me by shouting Malaysia Boleh! Another one at a shop near the Grand Market told me that (and mentioned the name of) a Malaysian female Deputy Minister is his customer. He tried to show me the photo of him with the Deputy Minister in his iPad.

I also recall that Islamic consciousness is evolving in Turkey, especially among the young.

Now I am leaving the Millenium Lounge of the airport to board for the flight to Kuala Lumpur. Pray for my safe arrival, InshaAllah.

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