On 6th till 9th June 2011, I was at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) in Kuala Terengganu, fulfilling my first trip as a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Business Management and Accounting of the university.
My four-day presence was filled with academic discourses and consultancies, viz. Teaching-Learning Discourse: Heart-to-Heart Method in Teaching-Learning Process on the first day; Graduate Discourse: Proposal Presentation on the second day; Writing Discourse: Integrity in Academic Writing - Free Riderism? on the third day; and Research Discourse: Islamic Research Methodology - Why and What on the fourth day. Academic consultancies with lecturers and graduate students were held in between the discourses.
Some of the participants of my last programme at UniSZA |
The huge accommodation provided for me and family in UniSZA campus |
I was appointed as a Visiting Professor of UniSZA since 1st May 2011 till 30th April 2012. I am expected to be at UniSZA two times more during the remaining duration.
Currently, I am also in my second term of my appointment as a Visiting Professor at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia ending on 30th November 2011. Recently, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Universitas Medan Area (UMA) and Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia (UPMI) also appointed me as a Visiting Professor for a duration of between 6 to 12 months. My next trip to the four universities in Medan, Indonesia will take place between 24-29 July, InshaAllah.
During the last two years, in 2010 and 2011, I was also a Visiting Professor at Institut Islam Hadhari of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Islamic Finance and Wealth Management Institute (IFWMI) of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Visiting Fellow of Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies in Oxford UK, and Visiting Scholar of Islamic Research and Training Insitute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The appointments were really a bless from Allah SWT. Knowledge has been exchanged, networking has been built and academic activities were carried out for the sake of Allah SWT and Islam.
The smooth running of ISDEV under the management of ISDEV's younger echelon during my visit to these universities too, was a proof of the ability of these younger echelon to continue ISDEV's struggle even without me around.
The banner pertaining to my visit to and programmes at UniSZA |
My name at the door of my office room at UniSZA |
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Business Management and Accounting, Dr Ahmad Azrin Adnan chairing my talk |
Lunch with some of the participants of my programme |
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